Tag Archives: common superfoods you may already have at home

Make Use of These 5 Superfoods You May Already Have At Home

1 | Turmeric

An excellent anti-inflammatory, turmeric can be used to relieve aching joints and tendinitis. It also activates the ‘good mood’ hormone, serotonin. According to a 2014 Australian study published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a gram of turmeric every morning can improve the memories of people at risk from age-related cognitive decline. The powdered root can be sprinkled on food or consumed in capsule form for a more concentrated effect. Researchers are currently studying possible uses for turmeric sourced from the Indian state of Kerala, which has the highest curcumin content, in the treatment of cancer.

2 | Lemons

Rich in vitamin C, lemon juice facilitates easy digestion by stimulating the secretion of bile. Citric acid helps the stomach to better flush out fat and proteins. It is also an excellent and inexpensive liver tonic. The juice of half a lemon taken on an empty stomach every morning promotes the elimination of toxins and combats fatigue.

3 | Ginger

Ginger offers an ideal means to boost the detoxifying effect of lemon juice. Fresh ginger can be grated and added to a wide range of dishes or consumed in herbal tea. For sluggish or sensitive intestines, it can have relaxing and anti-inflammatory effects. A natural antiemetic, it can be used effectively during the first months of pregnancy and in the event of travel sickness. In winter, it has the potential to boost the immune system and warm the body.

4 | Pomegranate

Scientifically recognized for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer properties, according to an American study pomegranates also combat the effects of aging, especially neurological disorders and Alzheimer’s disease. Another study published in the journal Nature has reported that the red fruit protects muscle tissue and boosts stamina. Nutritionists recommend eating pomegranates fresh as opposed to in the form of juice, to get the full benefits of the fruit’s mucilage, which is rich in antioxidants and fibers.

5 | Algae and seaweed

Photo credit: Fred Tanneu/AFP Relaxnews

Different types of algae have different virtues: spirulina is a protein supplement for athletes, Klamath can relieve stress, and chlorella helps eliminate heavy metals. As for seaweed, dulse, wakame, nori, and sea lettuce are rich in fiber and precious minerals like iodine. They are available in health food stores in the form of flakes, powders and ready-to-eat dishes.



