Tag Archives: Edith Ho

Gallery des Artiste brings French art to Malaysia

In the budding arts and culture scene of Malaysia, we are always on a constant lookout for new exciting art galleries and establishments to visit in KL.

And latest to the game is Gallery des Artiste, a contemporary fine art gallery that has just opened in Gallery@Tropicana of Tropicana Golf and Country Resort that brings the best of French contemporary art and pop art to Malaysian art lovers, collectors and enthusiasts.

A concept conceived and brought to life by Edith Ho, an avid French art collector, Gallery des Artiste is a space that spans over 8,000 square-feet.

And for its inaugural exhibition, titled “France Is Now”, Edith brought together 10 French artist – Isa K, HeRsK, Jeremi Ca, Thierry Trives, David Ferreira, Laurence C, Nicolas Desbons, Cecil, Kikayou and  Sophie Feraud – and Malaysia’s renowned metal sculptor Nizam Abdullah to showcase the best of their works.

With artwork and masterpieces interpreted and created through a variety of mediums and styles that represent some of the current trends in the art world, “France Is Now” is a showcase that will take you on a journey of colour through the craftsmanship and aesthetics of each artist.

And in light of the exhibition, an intimate grand opening party was also hosted and saw a long life of Malaysia’s who’s who in attendance including HE Ambassador of Italy, Maggipinto; HE Ambassador of Brazil, Mr.Carlos Ceglia; Counsellor for Cultural Affairs at the Embassy of France, Roland Husson; and a few members of Malaysian Royal families.


The “France Is Now” art exhibition will be available from now until 30th September 2018  Gallery des Artiste at Gallery@Tropicana.

For more information about Gallery des Artiste, visit www.gallerydesartistes.com.