Tag Archives: French Luxury Skincare Brand Biologique Recherche

Treat Yourself to a Facial by French Luxury Skincare Brand Biologique Recherche at Mandarin Oriental’s The Spa

We’re all tired of putting up with less-than-satisfactory results from facial centres whose army of staff are quite frankly, more interested in padding their bottom line than of your skin’s actual health. Turn away from that kind of jaded behaviour, because if regular facials are part of your secret to that youthful glow, then you should expect nothing but the best experiences that leave you feeling un-pressured, well-cared for, and most of all, on your way to looking years younger than your real age.

Here in Kuala Lumpur, we’re blessed to have established and reputable international skincare brands that offer top-notch facial spa services, including 35-years-old French luxury skincare brand Biologique Recherche, founded a family of doctors. Yvan, Josette and Philippe Allouche combined their knowledge in the fields of biology, physiotherapy and general medicine to create a line of products with a higher concentration of botanical and marine extracts that are free of artificial fragrance and colouring. When applied, products effuse scents of raw , pure ingredients, some of which may be unfamiliar to the senses.

The effectiveness of Biologique Recherche facials relies on two key things: a 30-minute Skin Instant Lab analysis that identifies areas requiring further attention in five steps; and the use of specialised products to address those dermatological issues. So you might visit The Spa for a lifting facial, or one that reduces fine lines and wrinkles, but with the Biologique Recherche treatment, trained technicians apply deeply restorative methods to tend to the detailed needs of your unique skin.

Massaging and gentle pinching techniques applied during the facial have a stimulating and oxygenating effect, allowing that healthy glow to light up your face. French beauticians don’t do painful blackhead removal, as they believe harsh treatment can actually damage the skin. Hence, once you’ve completed the Skin Instant Lab analysis, it’s very easy, expected even, to drift of into a light sleep as your technician spends the next hour carefully applying, massaging and pampering your face to a slew of luxurious moisture and nutrients in the quiet, calming  comfort of The Spa at Mandarin Oriental.

More on Biologique Recherche and services at The Spa, Mandarin Oriental.